The Code ensure highest standards of ethical business and the desired corporate values and behaviors. It reinforces the responsibilities we share in protecting Company’s reputation, safeguarding its interest, maintaining highest level of confidentiality within and outside the Company and encourages employees to exercise fairness, equity, courtesy and sensitivity in dealing with all fellow employees, customers, suppliers, service providers, government officials and other stakeholders.
The policy applies on all the employees of the Company.
The standards specified in the policy do not cover every issue or situation that may arise, rather set forth key guideline that may govern the decisions as per the situation within the defined scope. Employees are therefore, expected to adhere to the standards in this Code even if their conduct would otherwise be legal.
All the employees are required to:
During the employment, employees gain knowledge and information that is non-public and belongs to the Company only. Employees are therefore, entrusted with maintaining the confidentiality of this valuable information during and after the employment.
Company provides valuable assets to employees to help them perform work at optimal level. They being the custodian of this equipment (computers, communication platforms and equipment, software, electronic equipment etc.) will appropriately use these resources. It is the responsibility of every employee to:
Employees must remain mindful at all times to maintain the confidentiality of information they come across during their tenure, including strategic plans, sales figures, expansions plans, financial information and any other information that is sensitive and if leaked can weaken the competitive edge. It is the responsibility of the employees to:
Safeguarding Company’s brand image and reputation in daily communication and interactions within and outside is a critical matter. Therefore, employees must remain mindful and act with highest ethical standards to enhance and preserve the brand name and reputation.
Employees must not use Company’s platform to share any information, material for public opinion / view that may damage the image and good will of the Company (Refer Corporate Social Media Policy for details).
Company lays equal emphasis on protecting the intellectual property rights of all information technology and software acquisition and licensed protocols.
Employees are expected to act within the scope of their authorities at all times and remain accountable for all tasks delegated to others as he/she is expected to exercise adequate control and supervision over matters for which he/she is responsible. Misuse of authority will not be acceptable at any level.
Employees must follow the policies related with retention period of different documents. They must also clean / clear desks from all papers at the end of the day to ensure data privacy and unintentional breach in data confidentiality.
Company is committed to conduct its business in an honest, ethical and legal manner. The management condemns mal practices and expects transparency, integrity and honesty in all aspects of work. Employees must act in accordance with the prevailing state laws and within the boundaries of Company’s policies and procedures (which also includes customer’s code of conduct and compliances). In addition, employees must avoid and report any activity that involves, or could lead to the involvement of the company in any potentially unlawful practice (Refer Whistle Blowing Policy for details). Accordingly, they must understand the laws and regulations relevant to their work and comply with the legal requirements. Employees must display highest level of integrity, responsibility and professional behavior in delivering against their responsibilities.
During the course of employment, employees may become aware of material nonpublic information about the Company; trading based on this information or providing material nonpublic information to others (also called tipping) is illegal, violates Company’s policies and rules and may result in criminal prosecution. These restrictions also apply to spouses and family members, all employees of the Company and all members of the Company’s Board of Directors, who receive or have access to Material Non-public Information regarding the Company (Refer Insider Trading Policy for details).
Company lays emphasis in fair and transparent dealing and reporting in all business function. All employees will act honestly and share accurate information with the concerned authorities and will not indulge in any malpractice, misrepresentation of data/numbers, false entries in any of Company’s financial books, records or any other documentation or communication. Employee must address and report potential violations at the right forum in timely manner (Refer Whistle Blow Policy for details).
Employees will not engage in any unethical financial and / or non-financial transactions at any time during the course of their employment. All payments and receipts record must be maintained accurately and employees shall remain equally vigilant on any such happening in the Company and report immediately for appropriate action (Refer Whistle Blow Policy for details).
Gifts / entertainment gratitude of any kind offered by vendors, suppliers, current & potential employees, potential vendors and suppliers, or any other individual or company, no matter the value will not be accepted by any employee, at any time, on or off the work premises as a result of providing / receiving any favor whether justified or unjustified and shall immediately be reported. (Refer Gift & Entertainment Policy for details).
Any activity that an employee engages in and which interferes with or compromises Company’s interest is prohibited.
Employees are not permitted to participate in political or religious activities such as attending public meetings, sit in, protests, campaigning, if it is conducted during office hours or involves use of company resources such as telephone, computer & internet or supplies. Political/ sectarian discussions in office premises are not allowed.
Employees must remain mindful of their actions and behaviors during the course of their employment and even after leaving the Company. All must practice following in true spirit:
Our greatest asset is our people & we are committed to provide equal employment opportunities based on merit and in creating a workplace where all are respected, satisfied and appreciated. We believe that mutual respect, openness, honesty and the spirit of trust and cooperation shall guide relations between directors, managers and employees of all levels and units. We support an open door policy and initiatives to share and exchange knowledge. To maintain this culture of respect we are staunch proponent of no harassment in any form including verbal / emotional, physical or sexual. Employees are expected to refrain from the following:
Company is committed to provide safe and secure work environment to its employees and ensures that its processes do not adversely affect the nearby communities. Employees will follow all applicable health and safety rules and practices and will cooperate with officials who are responsible to ensure these rules and practices. Acts of violence, threats and physical intimidation can result in immediate disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. All are therefore, expected to abide by the following guidelines:
Employees are encouraged to abide by the Code themselves and remain vigilant for others. They must report all malpractices to their supervisors / head of the departments / head of Human Resources and where needed make use of Whistle Blow platform. Retaliation or disrespect of any kind for the person who blows the whistle in the genuine interest of the Company is strictly prohibited. Whistle blower is further expected to cooperate during the investigation process in order to rightly understand the concern and respond appropriately to resolve it.
The Code ensure highest standards of ethical business and the desired corporate values and behaviors. It reinforces the responsibilities we share in protecting Company’s reputation, safeguarding its interest, maintaining highest level of confidentiality within and outside the Company and encourages employees to exercise fairness, equity, courtesy and sensitivity in dealing with all fellow employees, customers, suppliers, service providers, government officials and other stakeholders.
The policy applies on all the employees of the Company.
The standards specified in the policy do not cover every issue or situation that may arise, rather set forth key guideline that may govern the decisions as per the situation within the defined scope. Employees are therefore, expected to adhere to the standards in this Code even if their conduct would otherwise be legal.
All the employees are required to:
During the employment, employees gain knowledge and information that is non-public and belongs to the Company only. Employees are therefore, entrusted with maintaining the confidentiality of this valuable information during and after the employment.
Company provides valuable assets to employees to help them perform work at optimal level. They being the custodian of this equipment (computers, communication platforms and equipment, software, electronic equipment etc.) will appropriately use these resources. It is the responsibility of every employee to:
Employees must remain mindful at all times to maintain the confidentiality of information they come across during their tenure, including strategic plans, sales figures, expansions plans, financial information and any other information that is sensitive and if leaked can weaken the competitive edge. It is the responsibility of the employees to:
Safeguarding Company’s brand image and reputation in daily communication and interactions within and outside is a critical matter. Therefore, employees must remain mindful and act with highest ethical standards to enhance and preserve the brand name and reputation.
Employees must not use Company’s platform to share any information, material for public opinion / view that may damage the image and good will of the Company (Refer Corporate Social Media Policy for details).
Company lays equal emphasis on protecting the intellectual property rights of all information technology and software acquisition and licensed protocols.
Employees are expected to act within the scope of their authorities at all times and remain accountable for all tasks delegated to others as he/she is expected to exercise adequate control and supervision over matters for which he/she is responsible. Misuse of authority will not be acceptable at any level.
Employees must follow the policies related with retention period of different documents. They must also clean / clear desks from all papers at the end of the day to ensure data privacy and unintentional breach in data confidentiality.
Company is committed to conduct its business in an honest, ethical and legal manner. The management condemns mal practices and expects transparency, integrity and honesty in all aspects of work. Employees must act in accordance with the prevailing state laws and within the boundaries of Company’s policies and procedures (which also includes customer’s code of conduct and compliances). In addition, employees must avoid and report any activity that involves, or could lead to the involvement of the company in any potentially unlawful practice (Refer Whistle Blowing Policy for details). Accordingly, they must understand the laws and regulations relevant to their work and comply with the legal requirements. Employees must display highest level of integrity, responsibility and professional behavior in delivering against their responsibilities.
During the course of employment, employees may become aware of material nonpublic information about the Company; trading based on this information or providing material nonpublic information to others (also called tipping) is illegal, violates Company’s policies and rules and may result in criminal prosecution. These restrictions also apply to spouses and family members, all employees of the Company and all members of the Company’s Board of Directors, who receive or have access to Material Non-public Information regarding the Company (Refer Insider Trading Policy for details).
Company lays emphasis in fair and transparent dealing and reporting in all business function. All employees will act honestly and share accurate information with the concerned authorities and will not indulge in any malpractice, misrepresentation of data/numbers, false entries in any of Company’s financial books, records or any other documentation or communication. Employee must address and report potential violations at the right forum in timely manner (Refer Whistle Blow Policy for details).
Employees will not engage in any unethical financial and / or non-financial transactions at any time during the course of their employment. All payments and receipts record must be maintained accurately and employees shall remain equally vigilant on any such happening in the Company and report immediately for appropriate action (Refer Whistle Blow Policy for details).
Gifts / entertainment gratitude of any kind offered by vendors, suppliers, current & potential employees, potential vendors and suppliers, or any other individual or company, no matter the value will not be accepted by any employee, at any time, on or off the work premises as a result of providing / receiving any favor whether justified or unjustified and shall immediately be reported. (Refer Gift & Entertainment Policy for details).
Any activity that an employee engages in and which interferes with or compromises Company’s interest is prohibited.
Employees are not permitted to participate in political or religious activities such as attending public meetings, sit in, protests, campaigning, if it is conducted during office hours or involves use of company resources such as telephone, computer & internet or supplies. Political/ sectarian discussions in office premises are not allowed.
Employees must remain mindful of their actions and behaviors during the course of their employment and even after leaving the Company. All must practice following in true spirit:
Our greatest asset is our people & we are committed to provide equal employment opportunities based on merit and in creating a workplace where all are respected, satisfied and appreciated. We believe that mutual respect, openness, honesty and the spirit of trust and cooperation shall guide relations between directors, managers and employees of all levels and units. We support an open door policy and initiatives to share and exchange knowledge. To maintain this culture of respect we are staunch proponent of no harassment in any form including verbal / emotional, physical or sexual. Employees are expected to refrain from the following:
Company is committed to provide safe and secure work environment to its employees and ensures that its processes do not adversely affect the nearby communities. Employees will follow all applicable health and safety rules and practices and will cooperate with officials who are responsible to ensure these rules and practices. Acts of violence, threats and physical intimidation can result in immediate disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. All are therefore, expected to abide by the following guidelines:
Employees are encouraged to abide by the Code themselves and remain vigilant for others. They must report all malpractices to their supervisors / head of the departments / head of Human Resources and where needed make use of Whistle Blow platform. Retaliation or disrespect of any kind for the person who blows the whistle in the genuine interest of the Company is strictly prohibited. Whistle blower is further expected to cooperate during the investigation process in order to rightly understand the concern and respond appropriately to resolve it.